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How to Keep Your Teeth White After Treatment

How to Keep Your Teeth White After Treatment

Whitening your teeth has never been easier. With Sinsational Smile® —  an in-office teeth whitening treatment that uses an LED light to brighten your smile — you can get your dream smile in just about 20 minutes.

But how can you keep your pearly whites sparkling white after your in-office whitening treatment at The Dental Center of Hercules team in Hercules, California? 

Don’t worry! We’ve got the top tips for you. Read on as Dr. Lovely Manlapaz Teodoro shares seven ways to keep your teeth white after your whitening treatment.

1. Identify foods that stain your teeth

It’s no secret that certain foods and drinks can cause your teeth to become stained over time. Dark-colored beverages like coffee, tea, red wine, and cola are major culprits. Similarly, foods like berries, tomato sauce, curry, and soy sauce can also contribute to staining.

You don’t have to give these foods up though. Many of them, especially berries and tomato sauce, are rich in nutrients so you shouldn’t avoid them. 

Instead, after eating those foods, be sure to rinse your mouth with water (to prevent food from lingering on your teeth). When feasible, brush your teeth after meals. 

2. Stop sipping on coffee all day long

The less time that stain-causing foods stay in contact with your teeth, the more likely they are to leave stains. So instead of sipping coffee or tea all day long, try drinking it in one sitting.

If you prefer iced coffee or iced matcha latte — both of which can stain your teeth — try a straw to limit surface contact. 

3. Brush your teeth with whitening toothpaste

It goes without saying that brushing is a great way to keep your teeth healthy and white. Brushing physically scrubs off plaque, a sticky biofilm that can make your teeth appear yellowish. 

Be sure to use a soft-bristled brush and hold it at a 45-degree angle. This helps clean your gums. Brush for two full minutes — that’s just 30 seconds per quadrant! 

You can take your brushing up a level by using a whitening toothpaste. Whitening toothpastes contain specific ingredients that help boost the whitening power of brushing. Look for a whitening toothpaste with the American Dental Association’s Seal of Acceptance.

4. Floss your teeth daily

You probably already know that flossing is good for your dental health. It removes debris from between your teeth, removes plaque from areas that brushing alone can’t reach, and even helps prevent interproximal cavities.

It can also help keep your teeth white — especially the areas between your teeth.

To make the most of your flossing session, gently glide the floss between your teeth — never snap it on your gums — and wrap it so it forms a “C” shape around each tooth. You can also use prethreaded flossers or a water flosser to make the process easier.

5. Stop using tobacco products

Tobacco products, including cigarettes and chewing tobacco, are notorious for leaving behind stains. Quitting now can help you avoid tobacco-related stains. 

Even better, stopping smoking can help reduce your risk of several smoking-related diseases, including oral cancer.

6. Schedule regular dental cleanings

During your routine dental cleanings, Dr. Teodoro removes surface stains as well as plaque and tartar buildup, which leaves your teeth cleaner and whiter. This is an important part of your oral care because you can’t remove tartar (which is hardened plaque) on your own. 

Our team uses specialized tools to remove it. This not only makes your mouth cleaner but also brightens your teeth since tartar can be yellow or even brownish. 

7. Consider touch-ups

You might also consider professional take-home whitening trays or other touch-up kits to help maintain your results at home. If you’re concerned about at-home maintenance, talk to us about your options.

What not to do when you want to keep your teeth white

While the focus here is on strategies that you can try to keep your teeth white, it’s important to call out what not to do when you want to keep your teeth bright. 


Some of these “hacks” can do more harm than good. If you have questions about any at-home oral care routines or how to safely whiten your teeth at home, don’t hesitate to ask Dr. Teodoro. 

Get the smile of your dreams

Not pleased with the shade of your teeth? Let us help! Our team offers three different whitening options, including in-office LED treatments, in-office laser whitening treatments, and professional take-home trays.

To get started with teeth whitening (or any other cosmetic service), call 510-254-3328 or use our online scheduling system to request an appointment.

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