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Considering FASTBRACES®? Here's How the Process Works? Here's How the Process Works

Considering FASTBRACES®? Here's How the Process Works? Here's How the Process Works

Ready to transform your smile with orthodontic treatment but not sure which method is right for you? Here at The Dental Center of Hercules, we offer several options, including  Invisalign® and FASTBRACES® 

As a certified FASTBRACES provider, Dr. Lovely Manlapaz Teodoro knows firsthand the many benefits of this system. It can transform your smile fast! In many cases, patients complete their treatment in about 100 days.

If you’re new to FASTBRACES, you might wonder how this process works so quickly and effectively. Read on to learn how FASTBRACES works.

Learn more about FASTBRACES

FASTBRACES are an orthodontic system that uses brackets. While traditional braces use square brackets, FASTBRACES use unique triangle-shaped brackets, and that’s the secret to their success. 

Thanks to the unique combination of triangular brackets and square-shaped wires, FASTBRACES work to quickly shift your tooth roots and the crown of your tooth at the same time. 

When compared to traditional metal braces, FASTBRACES can move your teeth smoothly and safely with 87% less frictional force. On average, FASTBRACES work faster than Invisalign and are more comfortable than traditional braces. 

Other benefits of FASTBRACES include: 

To sum it up, FASTBRACES are a quick and efficient orthodontic option.

Here’s how the process works

Before you embark on any treatment plan 一 whether that’s with FASTBRACES or Invisalign 一 Dr. Teodoro starts with a consultation. During your one-on-one consultation, she examines your mouth, reviews your orthodontic goals, and reviews digital scans of your mouth to assess your bone structure, alignment issues, teeth, and bones. 

Securing your brackets

If Dr. Teodoro determines that FASTBRACES are a good fit for you, our team gets you prepared for the FASTBRACES process. Once all of your scans are completed, we place the triangulate brackets onto your teeth. The brackets are attached to a square wire. 


Throughout your treatment period, you return to our office for regular tightening and adjustments. Each adjustment shifts your teeth closer and closer to their ideal location.

At-home care

As with any orthodontic system, you can expect to increase your at-home oral care routines. 

At-home tips include:

Diligent brushing and flossing is critical to the health of your teeth. Food can easily become trapped between brackets and contribute to decay. Flossing and brushing can help remove food debris and decrease your risk of tooth decay.

Removal of brackets

At the completion of your treatment, it’s time to remove your brackets. Keep in mind, however, that the length of your treatment is determined by the type and severity of your bite issues. 

Still have questions? You can request a FASTBRACES consultation at our Hercules, California, office and speak with Dr. Teodoro about your orthodontic concerns by calling 510-254-3328. You can also use our online booking system.

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