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5 Reasons to Consider Dental Implants

5 Reasons to Consider Dental Implants

Are you considering replacing a missing tooth (or teeth) with dental implants? Dental implants are a prosthetic restoration that can replace a single tooth or a whole row of teeth. Each implant contains three parts: a titanium post, an abutment, and a dental crown. 

Below, Dr. Lovely Manlapaz Teodoro and the team here at The Dental Center of Hercules share five reasons to consider dental implants.

1. Dental implants improve the function of your mouth

No matter which tooth (or teeth) you're missing, it affects your ability to speak clearly and chew food thoroughly. For instance, if you’re missing a front tooth, you might struggle to form the /th/ ([θ]) sound. Your teeth are required to make other fricative sounds, including /s/, /z/, /f/, /v/, /sh/. 

The same is true for eating. Each tooth plays a different role. Your canines, for example, help you tear food, while your molars help grind or crush food. 

Dental impacts improve the functionality of your mouth, and that has a positive effect on both your chewing and your speaking. Effective chewing reduces your risk of choking and also helps prevent indigestion related to poor chewing. Restoring clear speech makes it easier for others to understand you, and that can boost your self-esteem.

2. Dental implants enhance the appearance of your mouth

Not only do dental implants help you chew more effectively and speak clearly, but implants also enhance the appearance of your mouth when you smile. Crowns (the visible portion of your implant) are aesthetically pleasing, blend in with the rest of your teeth, and boost your confidence.

Dental implants also promote facial structure and integrity and prevent a sunken appearance that is common when you are missing teeth. 

3. Dental implants prevent jawbone loss

While there are many options for replacing missing teeth 一 bridges, full dentures, or partial dentures 一 only implants help prevent jawbone loss. Your tooth roots normally stimulate your jawbone to keep growing, but when your tooth is lost, the roots can no longer stimulate your jawbone. This can lead to jawbone loss, or jawbone atrophy.

Because the post of your dental implants is surgically implanted into your jaw, it acts as tooth roots, stimulating the jawbone and preventing atrophy. That’s one advantage of implants that isn’t found with any other replacement option.

4. Dental implants are easy to maintain

Another reason to consider dental implants is that they are incredibly easy to maintain. Unlike dentures, they aren’t removable so there’s no need to fuss with nightly soaking. There’s also no need to use messy denture adhesive or worry about slipping dentures.

Simply, brush your teeth as normal:

When choosing toothpaste and toothbrushes and other dental tools, be sure to choose products with the American Dental Association Seal of Acceptance. Alternatively, don’t hesitate to ask us! Dr. Teodoro is always happy to make recommendations based on your unique needs.

5. Dental implants are permanent 

Finally, dental implants are designed to be permanent fixtures in your mouth. The titanium post fuses with your jaw in a process called osseointegration. Although the crown may need to be replaced if it becomes damaged, the post is intended to be permanent. Crowns can last upwards of 20 years with the right care. You can extend the life of your crown by not chewing on nonfood items, not using your teeth as tools, and wearing a nightguard if you have bruxism. 

Are dental implants right for you?

Dental implants are sturdy, won’t slip and slide (like dentures might), are aesthetically pleasing, and are easy to maintain. If you’re ready to get started with dental implants, book your consultation today. During your consultation, Dr. Teodoro examines your mouth, reviews your aesthetic goals, and reviews your 3D cone beam scans, a highly advanced image that shows detailed images of your tooth roots, jawbone, and more. During this time, you can ask questions about implants, and Dr. Teodoro reviews the implant process with you.

Ready to get started? Call our Hercules, California, office, at 510-254-3328. Or, simply request an appointment online.

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